The Danger of Being Caught Up in Calendars: A Reflection on Galatians

Part 1: The Call to Focus on Love In the book of Galatians, Paul addresses a concern that is as relevant today as it was in the first century: the temptation to get caught up in external rituals and religious observances at the expense of what truly matters. In Galatians 4:17, Paul warns the believers … Read more

Deconstructing Faith: Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount, Paul’s Letter to Galatia, and “The Matrix”

The concept of deconstructing and reconstructing one’s faith has become increasingly relevant in today’s cultural climate. As many Christians find themselves grappling with the effects of cultural Christianity—where the faith is often intertwined with nationalistic, social, or political identities—there is a pressing need to revisit the core teachings of Jesus and the apostles. In this … Read more