Homeschooling: Making it Official

Getting started with homeschooling requires letting the proper authorities formally know that is your plan…. or intent. In Georgia, we have to file a “Declaration of Intent” with the state department of education. From the GADOE website: “You must submit a declaration of Intent by September 1st or within 30 days after a home study … Read more

Getting Started in Covid-Schooling

Are you making the decision to homeschool because of Covid-19? Welcome to “covid -schooling” … There are dozens of homeschool blogs and groups that are available to help you on this new journey. Count this one to add to the growing list. I’ve been a homeschooling mom for ten years. I have four kids ranging … Read more

Learn Something New Everyday

Lifelong learning impacts every area of our lives. Our faith, worldview, family, educational options and career options. I’ve spent over 25 years in the tech world specifically working in the legal industry. The experiences I’ve had influence my worldview with regards to embracing technology and understanding that silos of information exist in corporate settings but … Read more

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